CNC-IUPAC: Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
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CNC-IUPAC Travel Awards

CNC-IUPAC established a program of travel awards in 1982 to enable young scientists who are currently working at a Canadian institution to present their work at IUPAC-sponsored conferences. Preference will be given to nominees who are attending an IUPAC sponsored conference outside of Canada. Applicants should be within 10 years of having obtained their PhD. The awards are sponsored jointly by CNC-IUPAC’s company associates and the Gendron Fund, which was established in memory of a noted Canadian chemist who organized a highly successful IUPAC congress in Vancouver, BC in 1981. Although many IUPAC member countries have national committees that handle liaison with IUPAC, to the best of our knowledge, the Canadian National Committee is the only one that operates a travel awards program.


CNC-IUPAC Travel Awards for 2024

The Canadian National Committee for IUPAC (CNC/IUPAC) established a program of Travel Awards for young Canadian scientists in 1982. These Awards are financed jointly by the Canadian Society for Chemistry’s Gendron Fund and by CNC/IUPAC’s Company Associates (

Criteria: The criteria used in making these Awards include evidence of an independent research program either independently or as a key member of a team, a publication record of high quality or equivalent industry reports or patents, and for those in academia the ability to attract research funding (internal and external). Those who are working on projects in industry are also encouraged to apply.

Purpose of the Awards: The purpose of these Awards is to help Canadian chemists within 10 years of having gained their Ph.D. who are currently working at a Canadian institution to increase their international exposure by presenting a paper at an IUPAC-sponsored conference.

Number of Awards: Since the funds available for these Awards depend on several factors, the number made each year varies but is typically 3-4. The CNC-IUPAC Travel Award may be received only once in your career.

Amount of the Award: Up to $2,500, paid in arrears after travel-expense receipts and a 150-word report on the conference have been received by the Secretary.

How to Apply: There is no application form. Applications should include: 1) a short Curriculum Vitae (less than 5 pages), 2) two Letters of Reference, including one from someone not at the applicant’s university, research institution or company, 3) a cover letter outlining the name and location of the conference, a copy or link to the conference circular and the reasons why this conference fits your goals.

It is up to the applicant to ensure that their request is supported by adequate documentation.

Applications should be submitted as one pdf file to the Chair of the Awards Committee: Professor Stefania Impellizzeri at Letters of reference should be sent directly to Dr. Impellizzeri by e-mail. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by return e-mail; if acknowledgement is not received within a few days, contact Dr. Impellizzeri by email.

Eligible Conferences: The conference must be an IUPAC-sponsored conference. Potential lists for 2024 can be found on the IUPAC web-site (, in Chemistry International, the IUPAC magazine and are often indicated as being affiliated with IUPAC on the conference webpage. Awards are made to attend the conference identified in the application, and no changes are allowed without written permission from the Chair.

Deadline for Receipt of Applications: 23 October 2023. Winners will be announced after the December meeting of CNC/IUPAC, and thereafter all enquiries should be directed to the Secretary.

Secretary and Member of CNC-IUPACDr. Homin Shin, Security and Disruptive Technologies, National Research Council Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6 Tel: 613-990-8326 National Research Council, Ottawa, ON,  K1A 0R6.   Email:


2024 Award Winners

2023 Award Winners

2022 Award Winners

2020 Award Winners

2019 Award Winners

2018 Award Winners

2017 Award Winners

2016 Award Winners

Previous Award Winners